Friday, July 22, 2022

Middle Class Values

I have 1 ½ digestive biscuits with my morning cuppa. Today I had one & opened a small tiffin box which had crumbs of the biscuit collected & stored carefully when the pack was opened, so that they don’t get wasted. 

In the bathroom the toothpaste tube was squeezed so much that nothing came out of it & I had to throw it & we will keep an upturned body wash bottle so that every single drop is used.

When we make tea or open a milk packet we ensure that the vessel or pack is rinsed and used.

As I dig my heels into the zero waste journey, a smile comes to my face as I start appreciating these middle class values which were cultivated and became a habit with all of us who grew up in the 70's / 80’s with a scarcity atmosphere in our lower middle class household. Thanks to my parents' vision I can afford an abundant atmosphere in my home but these values are so intrinsic that they have stayed & will stay forever. 

We were lucky that both my daughters passed out of Rishi Valley where these values were ingrained further by their visits to villages, field trips and appreciation of a sustainable lifestyle. The impact can be seen in their vision / direction of what they want to do in their career.

The other side of this is the clutter we have in our house, we have cushions which we have not used for the last 10 years or a broken exercise cycle or a cupboard full of toys, shoes and clothes kept for emotional reasons. If there is space we keep it is the dictum and these are sensitive areas especially with 3 grown women in my home.

When baba was battling cancer and was staying with us for the last 2 years - everything he needed was in 2 suitcases, one had woolen and the other his normal clothes. As the family lore goes when he left his village in 1965 he only had his clothes on.

After he passed away, we donated his clothes, but his memory lives on and inspires me. 

Day 23: 200 words/day challenge (361 words)

Postscript: Try this app to reduce your clutter (you can give away your cloths and also earn in the process)

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