Goa - 2010
These were the best years, I often wonder why ? Although the answer is very clear because i was the boss and I could make the family sway whichever direction I wanted. Anything new excited the children who had an uncluttered mind - or a beginners mind (like they say in ZEN). The little anguish was more to do with quibbles between the sis or between us parents.
Reema is a excellent curator of places and storyteller - she will tell the children about the history of a place and also ask quiz on what she told. I was the ops guy, organizer, driver, coolie, occasional fighter when family demands were not met and of course official photographer / videographer. Action guy - in search of basketball court, party happening around or a swim in the infinity pool.
There was sense of a common mission and discovery which we all shared and our roles were nicely divided so there was not too much debate.
As children grow the choices are many and we get bogged down in accommodating the other and not being happy or enjoying the moment.
As the moments pass and we recuperate I often gaze at these pics n smile & tell myself “Hmm! Those were the the Golden Years”.