The Circle of Life

The circle of life,
Makes us move so fast, but
After a while,
You keep seeing things from past.
Every time you take two steps ahead.
After a while, you seem to have taken, two steps behind.
Every time you think you have progressed.
After a while, you seem to have regressed.
There are times,
When everything give me a sense of dejavu’?
A feeling that, I am seeing images from past
Repeating itself flawlessly…..
The smile, the tears, the argument, the banter…..
It makes me think,
Are we living in a world of illusion?
Trying to move, while we are actually still
Trying to find a solution, when there is no problem.
Trying to understand life, while it’s all just a game
After a while,
The lines will meet again, and repeat the circle of life.
What does one do!
Enjoy the time and space, before the line meets again.
Withdraw from the game of joining lines……….and the circle of life.

The circle of life,
Makes us move so fast, but
After a while,
You keep seeing things from past.
Every time you take two steps ahead.
After a while, you seem to have taken, two steps behind.
Every time you think you have progressed.
After a while, you seem to have regressed.
There are times,
When everything give me a sense of dejavu’?
A feeling that, I am seeing images from past
Repeating itself flawlessly…..
The smile, the tears, the argument, the banter…..
It makes me think,
Are we living in a world of illusion?
Trying to move, while we are actually still
Trying to find a solution, when there is no problem.
Trying to understand life, while it’s all just a game
After a while,
The lines will meet again, and repeat the circle of life.
What does one do!
Enjoy the time and space, before the line meets again.
Withdraw from the game of joining lines……….and the circle of life.