Thursday, October 09, 2014


2 days back when I heard the words “My father’s passed away” for a moment I did not know how to react, what do you tell a person apart from “Don’t worry, It will be ok.” Will it be? Will it ever be the same when someone who gave birth to you dies in front of your eyes? Someone who has taught to walk is not walking in front of you. Do we mourn death? Or Do we mourn the memories, times we have spent together? Or Do we mourn the time we could not spend & words we could not say?

You were lucky I thought – you could hear him breathe his last, say his prayers, keep his body preserved, nicely in a casket for people to pay respect. You did not have to identify the body amongst sacks of dead bodies kept in the morgue, stinking as most of them were rotting & then carry the body for 30 minutes. Nobody could pay respect because they could not stand the smell.

I was in my 3rd round of the morning walk when I found the body of the pigeon. It was bruised, must be a case of dangerous flying – I thought. It was lying right in the centre of the running track – I ignored for the first time but could not take the image out of my ahead. In my next round I picked it up & placed it near a flower bed. So that it’s not crumpled by a passing car.

Later, I took bath, changed & came down to drive to office. Curious me, I took a peek around the flower bed & could find only feathers of the bird scattered all around & a house cat lazing in the sun.

As I write the blog, struggling with my thoughts / images of death from my past I get a call saying “the baby is on it’s away – am rushing to airport to be with my wife”. “Good luck – Take care” is all I can say.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Inside Llewyn Davis (ILD)

How far will you go to chase your passion? We are often asked this question maybe over a drink or in an interview or when you have to make a real tough choice? Mostly rational choices win – better money over job satisfaction (who has defined it anyway), New York over Mumbai maybe…

ILD is a week in a life of a budding folk rock singer on a snowy New York, who has no money and is managing by sleeping in couches of family n friends; his first album is not selling & reaches a point where he is planning to join back merchant marine union. You can read all about it at & see the official trailer .   It picked up the Grand Prix at 2013 Cannes & was nominated for quite a few awards including 2 Oscar.

What I loved most was the lovely background score. It took me back to one of my favorite genre of folk rock, the days of Bob Dylan / Joan Baez. When singers thought songs can bring change in society & when lyrics were poetry, when people valued the journey more than the billboard charts, when a performance was sharing of ideas & passion.

Although it did not get nominated for screenplay, I loved the hue & tinge of the film which defined in a kind of era which has gone by. The movie is loosely based on Dave Van Rock . What I found nice was if one looks at the instrument listed on the panel – it says guitar & it says it all.

You can sample the haunting music & looks of Joan Baez here