A new beginning - 2007
(pic taken in Nainital/Dec - 2006)
The last post I made was on the eve of Durga Puja. Almost 3 months have passed since I could make an entry. I have been busy moving around - while the net and PC was handy, didn't really have the inclination to put in my thoughts.
Moved to Bangalore, in the middle of October, last few months was a very rare experince - moving to a new city (we could not understand the local language) / setting up a house / finding a place to shop / getting used to a new culture - work atmosphere.......I realized The power of brand when we were struggling as customers who could not speak the language and had no clue on the markets.
As a consumer, both me and wife felt - Big Bazaar, is the best choice - we will get everything there and as they always promise - CHEAPEST STUFF. (It was a different thing that we volunteered to drive down 7 km's and experiences chaos which was 100 times worse than our Sabka Bazaar). Read about the experience in my new blog http://mysteryshopper007.blogspot.com/.
As a consumer, both me and wife felt - Big Bazaar, is the best choice - we will get everything there and as they always promise - CHEAPEST STUFF. (It was a different thing that we volunteered to drive down 7 km's and experiences chaos which was 100 times worse than our Sabka Bazaar). Read about the experience in my new blog http://mysteryshopper007.blogspot.com/.
Cheers! n Wish u all have a great year ahead.....