Sunday, May 30, 2021

Another Round (Oscar Round Up 2)

Another Round is a Danish film which won the Oscar for the Best Foreign Film this year and came to Prime last week. It was real fun watching the movie. At my dinner table explaining the movie theme got the expected judgmental comments from the 3 women surrounding me – one more reason for boys / men to go drinking, scientific reasoning that alcohol is a depressant & so on so forth.

I was reflecting on the comments in my solitude as I walked alone after my dinner and thinking about the movie and all my drinking sessions which started from my Engineering College and ended when all of us went our way. Yes there were some good ones during the early years of work when we were up till late singing, chatting, arguing etc.

Yes, it was the magic potion which helps you open, loosen your tongue, be emotional – remove your covers and stand naked in your emotions in front of your best friends. Friends who will not get up tomorrow and judge you but more importantly come forward to help you, be sympathetic to your cause and lend you their ear / shoulder.

Can it happen coffee? For some maybe but not for me. We have grown up on having filter coffee / hot chai standing in a small tea shop – not Starbucks. Somehow I have never warmed up to it. For me like many of my batchmates – the mahoul or the ambience is everything. In college it used by table lamp in the corner and Pink Floyd, which then moved to Jagjit Chitra at some point & of course Kishore Kumar & some old soft rock was a must have. Those wear the days of cassette players & not mp3.

While the movie has a message – but it is bottled beautifully like a champagne. Uncork it to have some fun.

A more nuanced review here.