Sunday, September 22, 2024

Exhale Day

I landed back in Bangalore on the 1st September. Last 20 days I was on toes. Volunteering Activities and then there was Service Space and Kitchen Renovation. Service Space shared daily prompts and today they had the Exhale Day before the last week starts. I took it as a sign and sort of let go for few hrs. 

I did not look at the phone, I did not read, I did not look at the computer (service space prompts). I took bath and just lay inside the blanket, cocooned in a world within a world. And I could feel the withdrawals. Usually I am not constantly on the phone but sometimes when you are riding you want to ride many types of waves to satisfy your challenge. It’s human nature. And I realized that one thing led to other and last few weeks I was constantly busy not realizing it. Yes, there were moments of peace and tranquility in between but I guess they were too less and too small at least that's what my experience was telling me.

Like it happens after u get up from a deep sleep - the mind was empty and was in a mode of receiving. For last few hrs I wrote, I read, I listened - It was flow hrs when u can feel that what you are writing is coming from the depth of your heart, what you are listening is going deep inside you / affecting you and  what you are reading in creating ripples in your heart and soul. 

After a whole week of cacophony, few hrs of harmony is what keeps me going