So much has happened in the last 2 years due to covid that any kind of change is not seen as an intrusion or a diversion. We are used to cancelling tickets or pushing a plan further because of situations beyond our control.
But it has also created a comfort zone around anonymity & a strong discomfort of travelling to office - although my heart goes out for Bangalore commuters, but I am guessing it’s true for all big cities. It’s not the journey, it is the whole preparation which begins the day before. Starting with an alarm & a checklist of things to carry - starting from spectacles to your ubiquitous chargers - there are so many of them now that you tend to forget some always
Almost 70% of people I have spoken to have argued with me that this is a complete waste of time. The simple argument is - if it has been done for the last 2 years, why can’t we continue.
To understand the reason we have to go back to the time when we put our kids in play school. Why on earth would someone send a kid to school when she is comfortable at home? The simple answer by most parents was interactions (physical interactions) but the deeper insight was this need to push them out and face the world - within the boundaries of a secure environment. After a few days you start wondering about all the new words (language)the kid has learnt or the different foods she has tasted or some creative work she has done.
If only we could take out the tyranny of commuting and the bosses who want you to stay because well they want to stay - I think going to the office is an amazing experience.
My days in Titan were marked with some very interesting & inspiring conversations in the huge cafeteria - one of them led to running marathons, many of them led to exchanging movies & books (I discovered Murakami & subsequently introduced him to many). We would take a walk after lunch and would discuss varied things - one of them was about the plot of a book which someone intended to write & one got me the passes for Ruhaniyat.
Bongo Songo - A group of bongs that were created when colleagues of my wife got together and I the husband joined - some of my best memories are partying late into the night and feeding a 6 year old while the other discussed office politics. I loved these sessions & they are probably best friends I have in Bangalore
At some point I will write about more office fun reminiscences about my ad agency days & but the point I wanted to make is this : Yes there is the whole objective and rational side of going to office elaborated and told to us ad nauseum - that we can collaborate better.
But for me it’s the softer side which will take me back to office & not the rational side. For all the apprehension she had a smile on her face when she came back.
Day 21: 200 words/day challenge (507 words)
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