Saturday, January 14, 2012

Children need inspiration…& everything is possible

Thanks to some inspired moments my daughters turned into artists, so that used fabric printing and gifted their grandparents – lovely pillow covers. They also made different types of flowers even lotus which looked too complicated for me. As I saw them draw, paint create stuff on their own I realize how pathetic our education system. Do we teach them anything beyond increasing their ability to memorize? In few days these kids created something which they will remember for their life time, create things, share ideas and most importantly enjoy the process in a fun way & not as if it is a punishment.

Bongs & Food

We are obsessed with food. Period. This time was no different. We had a cook who was cooking in our backyard. He got the usual “dekchi’s (big utensils)”, the raw materials and set up his stuff in the outhouse. The morning started with a great deal of discussion on breakfast, lunch and dinner. All types of possible variety which could be made, was made. And of course we packed 4 jars of sweets which I am still enjoying (Started the series in mid Oct……then work caught up.)

My space

I ducked out of many family sessions and spent some time simply walking on the terrace, watching birds fly….basically doing nothing. There was no yesterday and there was no tomorrow, all spiritual masters will tell you to live for the moment. But for once and for a while there was no present as well. It’s difficult to explain nothingness…for some time I experienced it and it was bliss.

Here's hoping this lasts till the next vacation..

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