At one level – most of us are fascinated by change, change is life – work, children growing up, new phone (Apple ihone4s), technology (cloud), new dress(microbe free) etc etc. Everyone is running to cross the next frontier in everything they do and aspire for.
At another level – it seems life is constant.
The relationship which my kids share with their grandfathers is the same as the one I shared with my grandfather. Storytelling of epics used to be the best part of the trip – it still is. Although I am 40 and father of 2 daughters my parents still treat me like the 17 yr old kid who has come back from college for a few days and will again go back – so feed him and pack with much as you can so the same lasts for few months (it’s just that their granddaughters list have also got added to it), my parents still bicker at every single point of discussion (like they did 30 yrs back) and then cozy up…Nothing much has changed..
If I look at life outside my home in Delhi, the rickshaw wallahs who ferry us to the puja ground, the haggling with autowallahs, or the chit-chat with the chaat guys serving bhelpuri. Nothing has changed from the time I used come home during breaks in engineering then MBS then job in Mumbai. Even in Jaipur the big glass of lassi which I tasted from the original lassiwala the day I got engaged is still the best when I go back with my wife & two kids and of course I do not miss out on eating Rawat’s kachaudi and packing two bozes for my friends in Bangalore.
These moments have a illogical beauty & life of their own and they will never change at least from some of our mind. And when we live these moments there is a special feeling of coming back home, something which you do not want to change.
Living the day to day structured, logical corporate sanitized life drains you out so when you just walk around aimlessly going thru these moments without thinking, evaluating, debating, measuring – you start questioning change and the need for it.
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