The OSCAR connection made me grab the DVD, last time I was in CMH rd, Bangalore hoping that the quality was good and thank god! It was. Liked it but not exactly was super wowed by it. I am one of those list maniacs…need to see all the Oscar movies and those gets nominated for cannes etc. Last time, after a long gap of 3 – 4 months I saw Wrestler, Milk, Benjamin…..and all 3 were masterpieces in it’s own right. (More about them in another post sometime….)
It’s a nice story about recession and how a person’s job is to go to various organizations and tell them on their face that “You don’t have a job from tomorrow.” And he has to say it because that organization does not have the guts to say it. It took some time for me to get a hang of the concept….but it was not about that.
The story is all about how a young rookie who joins the company and finds a much better way of sacking people (by a third party remember pls). Her plan: Set up a call center, have a video conference call and sack the person. Advantage: You save on travel, hotel bills and cover more ground in the same day. This is completely in contrary to what our man wants…He wants be the 7th person in world to clock some 10 million miles, loves travelling for 300 odd days in a year has a membership and privileges of all the best hotels in US and hence his life is super efficient and super simple and of course he does not believe in marriages only kinky flings. He enjoy’s the luxuries / privileges which comes for free, has no accountability (unlike the people he sacks), he has to just go and tell them…"Tomorrow is your last day…so start packing…” See the contrast! It was quite stark actually.
So the usual learning, unlearning happens and our man start believing in relationships helps out his sister, the young rookie in her new job (she quits because one of the lady she served notice jumps from a bridge and kills herself.) By the end of the movie he is a changed man.
Net – Net: Storyline was quite predictable, acting was quite ok. I am sure the girls & women would be swooning over George Clooney’s charm and wit. I might be really a wrecker here but I am not a big George Clooney fan but I enjoyed his Ocean Series like I enjoyed Shahrukhs Om Shanti Om. (I am not a big fan of Shahrukh either) but the only movie where I found him different was Syrianna which was a movie with a message and some solid acting.
Just like SRK gets nominated for almost all Filmfare awards I guess the unemployment storyline and the message of hope gets the OSCAR juries nod.
On the contrary,
I just came back from Mumbai and saw Avatar in 3D IMAX, it’s just mind boggling. I saw it for the second time. The first was also in 3D but there is just no comparison between 3D and 3D IMAX. You can only experience it to believe that a movie can be made in that scale and with that vision and detailing. See it to believe it. That’s what I mean by the OSCAR effect. And yes I will be rooting for it.
I will not regret the late night "Avatar" show after my work in Mumbai although I had an early morning flight to catch, but “Up in the sky” ....well, it kept me wrapped in some nice thoughts for a while before I drifted off to sleep. Anyways good look Clooney bhai may the best man win.
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