Me and Joyee - my younger daughter have the same purpose in life. We want to make the world a better place (read save the world). And our family motto is to live a good life but in a sustainable way. I am 53 on the verge of retiring, she is 19 and has just started college. This is a noble thought and many of us have it but the question is How? What can we do today, now so that we can do that very little bit, micro bit for the world. This is a fundamental question if every citizen of the planet can answer and do just a bit it can have a massive multiplier effect.
Joyee started with many things (will write on this sometime later) but one thing which she started with the milk packets (The pic displays the Nandini milk packets) . Right through covid - exams ,competitive exam preparation, even when her health was not ok, she would do it. There were 4 of us in the house, many times I would throw the packets as they may get accumulated as she may be busy with studies and not slept the night before. My thought would be to save her that hassle.
After she left for her college, I picked it up and have been doing it religiously every day in 2022. I know it will not bring down the temperature of earth - saving the world is a far away dream but I am happy I can contribute in a miniscule way.
It also had 2 important lessons for me.
“Your fight is your fight, yes everyone will appreciate / empathize but don’t expect them to think and fight for you. But, like in my case, slowly some will adopt the idea and that is the best way - because you are doing it of your own will hence you will ensure that you will do it.”
“Stop talking / debating / thinking / liking posts - Start Now. Don’t wait for the perfect moment - it does not exist. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, begin now and it will take you some place.”
Day 9: 200 words/day challenge, 359 words
Postscript: See some of these documentaries & get inspired (or cry in despair)
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