Sunday, January 22, 2017

Train Journey and relationship status…

Being together without nowhere to go – physically & virtually (limited signal) one get’s to observe beautifully where we are in our relationship – a true measure of love (cycle) maybe.

Couple of 60+: They are the most blessed and the love curve has done a full circle. They are falling in love again. Constantly chatting, listening to music (I heard a couple listening to Gulzar) talking to their grandsons and daughters. Always ready to talk, share and give advice they are full of life. Rediscovering new places, meeting old friends, going for marriages – life has taken a fresh new start. Assuring their children that they are safe and fine – somebody is coming to pick up and everything is arranged they are in my mind the blessed ones who are living life to the fullest and taking one day at a time. Cheers!

Couples in the age of 45 – 60: Too much water have passed under the bridge, kids have grown up – approaching teen. They are busy with their music / sleeping / reading and doing their own thing. Wife – tired from her trip and dreading the check list in the near future when she reaches – catches up on her sleep. Husband – left to his own reads or gazes out of the window, thinking how we used to talk, play games, cuddle up have fun…maybe we will do some of it in the next few hours left. A trip which one dreamt of having fun, re-energizing relationships / bonding seeming to end up covering the distance between 2 stations.

Couples in the age of 35 – 45: For these couples the child is the king or queen. With the child’s age ranging from 3 – 7 year olds, they drive the couples behaviour. Ipad, Mobile games, movies on laptop. Technology seems to be a key entertainment and that’s what they want & get from the harassed parents who catch their breath and get few winks of sleep if they are able to get away from a child who was supposed to be bundle of joy and they do not know when they turned into a bundle of harassment. I do sympathize with them – but I also know that “This too shall pass!”

Couples in the age band of 25 – 35: Fresh into marriage there is a sense of adventure, learning more about each other – mind and bodies, so they feel better sharing their birth (as in the train birth) and dumping all their luggage in one, talking – chatting – laughing – talking about things which has happened at home or near past and thinking about new things to do in the coming days. Life is full of colours and meaning. Living it up is the mantra while they discover each other.

Monkeying Around...Don't miss my mohac
Teenagers going to adulthood: Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! (In train)They find meaning in staying awake at night listening to music and sleeping in the morning. They have a mind (developing) of their own and want to do things there way. They respect their parent and their choice but they want to do their own thing within the boundaries laid out by then. It’s difficult to figure out beyond this.

Child entering into teen: The spirit is that of child but the mind is growing up and hence while they want to snuggle up with their parents in their birth and chat but their developing independent mind tells them to listen to the songs in their parent’s old phone. There are also the ones with a sense of responsibilities attempt to finish their homework. There is an interesting struggle which one sees and smiles.

Old Men 60+ travelling in groups: There seem to be resurgence of spirit and they will get down at most stations to stretch their legs – talking loudly among themselves. Also trying out new things like oranges in Nagpur. Getting into train as it starts moving…Phew. Sometime I felt a lurch in my heart as they did these heroics but they were a good bunch of people to have around us as they would lift the entire spirit by their constant chatter and activity. Let’s enjoy today who know’s if tomorrow will come.

Old men 60+ travelling alone: Gazing out of the window, contemplating the future whose end is not very far and a past which is like a never ending road travelled and is lost in the sandstorms of life. They are travelling to stay in the same place.

As I mentioned in my previous post – on History & the influence of Historians. The observations made above are my interpretation and mine only. For some time, during our train journey - I was left on my own - hence the frame of reference is important. Abandoned by my teenage daughters – I got under the skin of some of the characters around me in my compartment and discovered multiple worlds spread around me.

Anthropology Anyone!

(PS: More on Anthropology & Films coming soon)

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