Sunday, January 22, 2017

S(h)ankranti and what I learnt from Baba today?

It was a hard day although it was a Friday which started at 5.30 am and ravaged by multiple meetings and (I must say this) relatively low Bangalore traffic I reached home by 7 and the only thing I had in mind was to curl up in my bed and go to sleep.

It’s only when I went to say Hi! To Baba and saw the twinkle in his eyes that I realized that today is Shankranti and he was all set for the peetha (Bengali sweet will not do justice to it.). He is 76 got operated for lung cancer exactly a year back and still recovering from multiple sessions of chemo and radio therapy.

Keeping the tradition alive: He grew up in a place surrounded by paddy fields, kicking a football made of rags, walking a few kilometers to go to school, having rice 3 times a day, catching fish and of course celebrating Shankranti by making peetha the previous night which would be savored the next day. We are in 2017 and since 50 years this tradition has been followed in our house every single year.

I moved out of my house in 19 87, many a years I will receive a parcel (from Assam / Delhi) which has some kind of peetha in them. And when he is around like now – it will be night out for me and him. The beauty in the whole thing is that it is not at all about having the sweets (he is diabetic), but it is about the family or my office bong colleagues who miss the peethe which they used to have at home before they got uprooted.
With the new generation starting to live on – Swiggy delivered meals, the joy and tradition of making the peethe and enjoying the togetherness may just remain a Facebook post which all of us will like and feel nostalgic about.

Passion & Focus creates energy: It’s amazing to see this enthusiasm in him – it’s almost like a drug for him. He will buy all ingredients in advance, plan everything meticulously so that nothing falls short on this day. A body ravaged by chemo get’s abundant energy on these days which is difficult to explain scientifically but I have seen it with me and many of my friends when you just sleep for 3 hrs but get up full of energy to reach the set and start shooting (just joking) and start working on something you left incomplete at night. It’s simple – when heart is passionate & mind is focused energy is created. 

Perfection: Maybe it’s virtue or a code we all live with. Making peethe is not an easy task. All the bongs who tried making them can sympathize with me (as I tried and failed miserably) rest of you have to take my word for it. The sweet has to taste right, it has to be of certain texture, color, it has to balloon right. He will keep on trying till he gets the perfect shape and size. Till then I have to console him that it’s going to be ok. Maybe some leadership lesson in being second in command when you cheer your leader from ringside before he gets into the board meeting. I am experiencing too many of them in recent times so I will leave it at that.

Innovation / Experimentation/ Kaizen: Even after making peethe for 50 years, this year he tried 2 new dishes which he saw in TV, discussed with his family in Assam on the key ingredients and possible problem areas. It’s an inspiration to see him in kitchen – there are some tips he picked up from TV, some from bangla cook books he read and  few from his aunts back home in Assam – all of them has to come together to make the perfect peethe.

Maybe I am just over reacting to create a blog post, but with the internet, you tube, TV (I know it’s dead now) you are inundated with information, articles, philosophy – but we all go back to our desk and do the same thing day in day out after a momentary A-Ha. I loved seeing the TED Talks till I asked myself ‘Why I am seeing this’? What next.

Things will change if we put what we all see, observe, learn every day in a the broth and stir it to solve a problem with a bit of objectivity. I know Ayan Rand will be turning in her grave but I feel it’s easy to shrug off this feeling of too much is happening around me but if you want to change things - Get up & Go now.

Thanks Baba.

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