Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Running Logs 3 - Choose Wisely!

The last time I ran was 28th March when I hit 8.1 km. After a hiatus of almost 5 months I got back on road today. Thanks to minor injuries – shin / knee / elbow and a deflated spirit I stopped running which was (let’s say still is) one of my key goal of 2015. I got onto yoga and was sincerely doing it for an hr every day for last 3 months, I also got into meditation in a big way – as there was a need to calm my chattering mind (still is).

It was a nice feeling, as I ran, I could feel the fresh n cool air on my face n body. I could feel the tightness in my body after the run. Also I could feel a kind of stretch-wear-tear of muscles in specific areas. One of the thing YOGA/Meditation does is it unites your mind & body & today my running was different – unlike in the previous stint i.e. Jan/Feb, when Yanni or my run playsit egged me to run. Today I could literally feel myself deep inside various parts of body, literally speaking to them. It was a nice integrated kind of feeling which I never felt before.

As I walked back few thoughts rambled in my mind which I will try n articulate. Focus or not to focus is something which I always wanted to write about. I always believed that we should experience new things in any form - music, book, exercise, people, places etc. I strongly believe that you will connect the dots – you have to keep looking for it though. But in recent days our attention is getting split in numerous things – facebook, twitter, TED talks, QUORA- the variety & depth of news available to us on the internet & now on the go i.e mobile is making us loss our focus & you keep re-creating the question – What I am looking for? What do I need? Now the flow has become opposite – many times you receive the information and you then start asking the question - Was I looking for this? Do I need this?

My running in some sense went thru that – Yes, it’s fair to mention the injuries but I was not sincere to the promise I made to myself. I think sincerity to our purpose is critical especially things like hobby where there is no result or performance orientation like a job. How to draw a line or create a balance is for me & I guess for all of us is the toughest act. We have moved from a situation of scarcity to a situation of abundance & it’s easier to flow with the current than against it & most of us choose that as a default mode.

I know so many people around me who are obsessed about running, they talk about it, read about it, participate in events, part of clubs etc. I used to always wonder – are they overdoing this? Maybe for these people being obsessed helps them to keep focus.

At 45 – injuries are given, other options like YOGA are always welcome which are more unifying and gives centeredness vs running which gives you a high and a sense of achievement.

Choose! Wisely!! 

Written on 15th Aug 

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