Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Blank Page

2 years and 100 days or 830 days - thats the no of days since I walked away from my job and start walking in search of utopia. A life of bliss and peace, a life without a boss and commitment of a 9 to 5 grind which we hated. 

If I say that the last 2 months was the worst in my health history it might sound shocking but thats the reality. After the dust settled in the initial euphoria of discovering a new passion namely sustainability and the virtues of a green life settled I was searching for things to do and fill time when there was no project or task to be done.

One of the most disrespectful comment I have heard about me was that ‘I needed a mother’ for everything. I forget the context obviously it was told to shame me for some work which I have not done but I many times in last 2 years I often went back to that comment and introspected - putting myself under the lens. It’s a different thing that I miss my mother - her death was too soon and too fast for me to create that bond which one does when one spend time with someone who is dying. Like baba who was there since his cancer discovery and ultimately his death.

Coming Back, I need people who can hand hold me, respect me, encourage me, teach me or just leave me alone to find a way & walk song when I find one. I was lucky to find some wonderful people in last 2 years but everybody is busy & have their own goals and life to live. As I always say - everyone have their own battle to fight and I have to fight mine. When you are not part of a system / company you are a lone wolf or a black hole or a planet without an orbit. The only circle you are left with is a disjointed family where all of us mean well but keep stepping on each other’s feet.

Time gets consumed by activities which can be termed as menial and meaningless by most of us but I try to find meaning in that saying I am doing sewa 🙏🏻. Meaningful things are looked at suspiciously by Alfie who feels I have cheated her by taking an early retirement. They do not see any meaning in discovering an auteur. 

The battle of power has shifted from office to home with the stronger debater winning and getting all the attention and the quieter one working and sulking. Sometimes I feel navigating office was better than family, it was clinical, purposeful and there was hope that there is a better job better company waiting.

The fact that I am thinking of doing a job is so preposterous that I am shocked to even recognize that the thought got germinated in my mind and I was curious to understand Why? 

I was having an itch to write - but the moment gets killed before it gets typed.Today, a very difficult week and day ended with 2 hours of deep sleep. Waking up with a groggy mind, i decided to take a nice bath and write before the moment passes.

Like Oliver Burkeman says in his post - Just do the thing. 

I did sirji 🙂 (Read here)

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