Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Adieu 22: My philosophy and principles

I think sometime in 20-20, when I was alone in Mumbai in one of those philosophical musings, most likely around my birthday when I got into a huddle with myself, I had laid out the
AOM (Pronounced Om) principle. I have been steadfastly following it and I keep going back to them when in a corner or my mind is in turmoil.

A - Accept the past.

O - Optimistic about the future. 

M - Mindful of the present.

This year I had these 5 principles I followed & I will continue 

  1. Gratitude: I owe my existence to my parents and my success to my family, relatives, colleagues, maids, drivers - anyone and everyone who has touched me in some way.

  2. I love myself: The first principle is crucial - Only if you love yourself can you love others. Don’t judge yourself harshly. Shit happens all the time.  

  3. Don’t Worry Be Happy: It’s pointless to worry, but it’s also automated, when the chemicals fire you are helpless. Most challenging,but I am on it.(Thanks Bobby Mcferrin)

  4. Be Resilient: Setbacks will happen, the faster I get going faster I can move forward

  5. Persevere to reach my goals. What gets measured gets done.

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