Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Solo Journey

Vacation for me has always been with family or friends. But in recent years solo trips have become the de facto way of travel for many people and is seen as a process of discovery and spending time with self. This is not just adults but even teenagers who want to let go of their parent’s hands - rather their car / flights and do it on their own.

One such request came from our teenager and we had to say Yes. Technically it was just a train ride between 2 cities and then spending time with friends. But then it was a train journey - and about picking up from the station & dropping at the station and trains have more elements of chaos than a flight where you are sealed in an a/c chamber and get airborne and land in the same position.

My solo journey’s get created even when I am with family - When I sit next to the window and see the roads pass by or the scenery passing from a train window or the night sky. For me these are times of solitude and reflection - it comes automatically. Maybe it’s the movement of the road or train tracks which heightens the sense of passage of time. Solitude is a mix of solo & altitude which we all deeply desire but hardly have time to experience in our busy life and social media. It’s good that at a young age kids want to connect with themselves and discover the true meaning of life.. 

Visit to a railway station: We visited a railway station after 3 years and found that the station was less crowded than the airports, especially during the pre & post long weekend. Nothing else changed much. Buying a platform ticket was still a challenge with machines not working & the counter was located in a separate building. There were people sleeping in places & the platform was as dirty as it was 3 years back. 

But, that’s the real India & still brings a sense of nostalgia and makes me feel like making a long train journey, talking to unknown people, sharing your food / newspaper and sometimes toiletries with them. 

A friendship which is transient but still so much full of love and understanding which keeps aside the caste / religion / economic difference. On the train like in life - we are just travelers, solo or otherwise. 

Day 32: 200 words/day challenge (394 words)

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