Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Fear & Insecurity

In a recently concluded panel hosted at IIM Bangalore which had Bollywood perfectionist Aamir Khan participating in a panel discussion, this what Aamir had to say:

“Versatility and excellence are the hallmarks of your 30-year-old career. What keeps you going?” asked Prof. Vasanthi Srinivasan to which Aamir replied: “Fear”. Explaining, he said, fear and insecurity have their uses. “I don’t want anyone to see a weaker moment of mine as an actor. I am driven to entertain people in a better way. I am 57 years now but in my head I am still 18! However, I am constantly working to stay relevant to young people. That’s why I want to do films for children ever so often because when a five-year old loves your film, they will stay loyal to you for the next 15-20 years. That keeps me relevant to a younger audience.”

I don’t think anyone expected this answer but that’s true for all perfectionists as I have seen in my corporate life. There is a fine balance in using it to your positive advantage. Most people who fall in this category forget that there are others in the room who have a point of view and their solution is the best solution - because (of course) they are perfect. After some time the team just succumbs to the syndrome - Boss is always right.

Aamir is also known for his obsessiveness and trying to control all elements of the film so that the best product is out there, Steve Jobs is another perfectionist known for the same. So we all need a good cop in the team who will balance the perfectionist angst with some humour and bring the team back on track for a common good. 

Who wouldn’t want to be part of the Lagaan dream team or iphone team, well one has to be ready for the bumpy ride for a brief while - I guess the turbulence, angst and pain is worth if you one wants to bask in the glory of Oscar nomination or creating a revolutionary product. 

After all, why are we here on earth if you don’t leave at least 1 legacy behind if not more.

The choice is ours! 

Day 31: 200 words/day challenge (367 words)

Postscript: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc (one of those inspiring speeches by Steve)

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