My kids are growing up with post it’s put up on the refrigerator – 12 rotis, cut pineapple, methi saag etc. They have a check list pasted on their cupboard – clean shoes, sharpen pencil, get your diary signed etc. They have processes on what instruction to be given to maid 1 and then to maid 2.
I take them out for movies, vacations, enroll them in hobby classes, buy them the best books, movies they want to see. Celebrate their birthdays the way they want. Spend as much time with them, cycling, talking to them, reading stories at night, having fun in trips etc etc. As far I am concerned they are top priority and rest everything else can wait. Both of us are at our wits end to manage life smoothly so much so that by the time
I am just not sure that a kid’s mind understands life as an equation. Wherein paragraph 1 is debit and paragraph 2 is credit. And both balance each other. So it’s a done deal. Often when I see them fight with me or my wife……these thoughts reverberate through my head like loose cannon balls, not for an hour / 2 hour but days….Are we are robbing them of their innocence? Are they growing up too fast? Do they despise this?
Because I know the answer to all the above questions is probably “yes”. I know I can’t control everything happening around me, so I try to control what I can and go in one of these guilt trips once in a while. I don’t hope / expect them to understand when they grow but I try and make them smile as much as I can….even if it makes me look like a fool in front of their friends.
Keep smiling girls! For me that’s the only thing matters and I will be there always…Good, Bad or Ugly.
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