2 yrs back my wife was detected with carpal tunnel syndrome and she was in terrible pain. Seeing her I was quite petrified and suddenly I became very very health conscious. In fact health became top priority and I got into the regime of morning exercise, yoga, sudarshan Kriya. In addition I started using a raised platform for keeping the laptop and using an external mouse etc.
On 4th Jan I got a test done and the doctor confirmed that I have “carpal tunnel syndrome” and tendinitis of thumb. I had gone to the doc because I had numbness in both my hand and my thumb was aching bad for some time now. The doc was quite clinical, “fix a date in the first week of Feb, we have to cut your wrist, and press a bit to loosen up few nerves, you will be off computer for 3 weeks after the operation. It is a small operation, will cost 50 grand approx and you will be out in a day or two.” Listening to the doc I almost felt like a robo speaking to me, I could have literally changed his face for a PC and the prescription would be the same.
In last 1 year 3 of my friends lost their father after trying their best to revive them for 4 to 5 months. They did their best (money was not an issue), the best doctors, best hospitals whatever money could buy but I am sure all through they were prepared for the eventuality. Then there is this famous case of SAP CEO, who was a marathon runner but tragically died of heart attack.
There are many instances like that when I realize the futility of all this future thinking. We can only try. Period. Nothing more nothing less.
For some time now, I have stopped asking why? Not out of a sense of futility, but more as an understanding that the present is what I have. Let me not cram it with a schedule which helps me prepare for the future.
Above: A beautiful picture from our room in Lovedale (sooo!!!! cute name) Ooty
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