Is that what I am,
A question
comes to one,
who turned 51
There is a
war out there:
at every
turn of the page, every switch of a channel.
Sample a
People of Lakshadweep
protest just to survive,
Farmers and
their family from Punjab Protest to no avail
Villager in
Uttarakhand protest against the hydro projects in Uttarakhand.
Can they
The dams
& ports being built.
Reverse the
The pages
of history are replete with
1000’s of
people maybe millions
Laying down
their lives
Very soon
They will soon become
part of
Public amnesia.
The only
thing this bystander can do,
Is to sign
some petitions which come in Wapp
Or make
some contribution to a welfare schemes.
Beyond that,
he lives in
the imaginary world where;
the stories
come to an end.
movies come
to an end.
He knows'
war will only end
When the
world comes to an end.
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