Monday, June 26, 2017

It’s not about the birds!

As we trekked early morning in the wilderness;
with a worn-out stick in our hand
to find birds in this land
which had;
humans encroaching in their flight plans.
I heard

Birds - chirping – chatting – cooing,
Singing, all around me.

The guide told us
‘Hear the bird call - listen – focus’.

As I tried to listen,
I could hear

Not only the birds chirping
The river water lapping
The breeze ruffling

The bamboo trees swaying
The air literally speaking
to me…

In those few moments

I forgot
I was bird searching

in all that chatter
I could feel a stillness,
In my mind which;
I was struggling to find

Making me realize;
It is never about the bird;
It is about the search…
Isn’t that why we all set out

To go;

wherever we want to go

when our heart calls….

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