Last year, was like any other year. It had its share of highs and lows, yukky moments which I would like to forget, uplifting moments which I would like to remember every time when I close my eyes in despair.
But every year there are a few things which has changed forever what the writer’s say defining moments or inflection point of a man-son-husband-father’s mind…….Few such things are mentioned below…
Foremost I believe is what I call the fear psychosis which is now a reality and is living within us. When 9/11 happened, it was an unbelievable reality show which didn’t touch me – distant country (arrogant country – they have created enough such moments in history) .It was just another live show. When 26/11 happened I didn’t want to switch on the TV. The fact is “I never did”. I never saw a single frame of the telecast. As people across the world were glued to their TV set I was busy enjoying “Finding Nemo” with my kids or reading "Dance Dance” by Murakami.
The recent terror scenario is not a distant scenario happening to somebody out there it’s happening to you and me. When the bomb blasts happened in Bangalore, I had confirmed tickets to Hyderabad but we could not catch the train as there was no cab which would take us to the station.
When I board the next flight, the thought “I hope I come back alive is not a joke it’s a reality”. Doesn’t mean I will shut myself up and vegetate but I guess I will be prepared for the same. For me it’s a defining moment I want to live up life every day, every moment. Do things, I have never done before…..Who knows what’s in store for me.
Health – Exactly 13 months before my 40th birthday someone close went through quite a lot of pain for no fault of hers. And I was also going through bouts of cold / cough doctor again sore throat doctor cycle. I still remember the date 1st Nov last year I decided “To hell with it I will not go to the doctor I will treat myself back to health and since then I have not taken any antibiotics. But I know at least 10 families in my proximity where in some one has expired because of wrong medicine treatment, detected with cancer or had a heart attack / stroke. Most of them were quite cautious in their approach to life not smoking, drinking, thinking types. But that is just one part of the story……I also know the amount of money which has gone in trying to avoid such incidents and the emotional trauma which these people have gone thru during those days.
Those who had the money went to the best doctors and probably had the satisfaction that could pay back the time, money, effort, heart and soul their parents had put in to bring them up, those who didn’t have the money didn’t have the time to blink and the moment was gone. They were back to their grind. But there are the famed middle class of India who inspired to go to best doctors and probably did, but by the time they got the bill they realized they were living in a fool’s paradise and a false security which the group insurance of various companies provide and which is grossly inadequate. So now they will be paying off these debts for next few years.
Unfortunately, none of them could stop the inevitable. None of them had the answer to the question “How much is enough ?” Neither do I, but I will never ask this question again. Over the years I have observed that what’s gonna happen will happen.
Just go with the flow.
Do your jogging, have your gulab jamun if you love it and see two movies back to back if Jason Bourne is starring in it. Going groggy eyed for the next day meeting is OK if you have satisfied your inner urge to see a movie.
Satisfy your soul today, who knows what tomorrow’s headline will bring in your doorstep.