Friday, September 22, 2006

An ode to a friend
This is the last post on the ITC gang , before I get on to some serious blogging on CRM and stuff. That's Rohit Chitteth, Called times and i will give that name to him because of his prowess with numbers and his cool / calm presence in his meeting.....Of course, I will never forget - the way ould say DADA......Ki korbo..(that's the expression u can see in the picture - here)..meaning how do we do..
After a love hate relationship with NV (no offence if u are reading it buddy), Rohit was a welcome change....beyond work there was Tarantio, Doors, Billy Joel to give us company Still waiting to hear the 5 songs which he can play on his guitar. Will remember the training sessions and the Mondegar bout.
Cheers! (and yes we will do that stag session at ur place some time)

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