Sunday, February 26, 2017

Running Blog 5…

12th Feb 2017. As I start writing this – I get pictures of my running friends finishing their run in Auroville, Pondicherry. From a team of 5 it became a team of 16 – who went from Bangalore, unfortunately rather I took a call not to participate this time.

This is not unusual i.e. to miss a run or 2 but it requires a lot of will power to restrain yourself. The adrenaline rush which I get when I put on my shoes epitomizes Just Do it! And I am sure many of my running mates get that. I could have run 10 k comfortably but then my next goal was 21 K and did not want to do anything less than that in 20 17, health issues – thanks to a swinging temperature of Bangalore from extreme cold in the morning to extreme hot in the afternoon, work life balance, minor injuries after the Kaveri Run in Nov made me call of the run.

With temperatures coming back to normal – I have started in FEB. We will see where I end up by end of the year.

But I do keep going back to the question / dilemma which plays on my mind and maybe many of us – Should we push ourselves to these smaller milestones. There is no end to no of marathons (read activities) which happen around us and it’s easy to pick one and run, it brings in a discipline, a sense of achievement when you look at the medals hanging in your room and of course the bragging rights. I have always looked / searched / preached – balance. A difficult thing to achieve but important for a generation (I am on the extreme end of the spectrum & my teenage daughter are on the other) who is spoilt for choice & has the means to spend.

I found this nice book / blog which one can read if interested.

Postscript: Did 10k today & noticed that I did 1000 KM in 2 yrs Feels good.